Here's the link to the NN video. I didn't use it because I didn't want to give them any more publicity.
I have admired Ms. Wolf's work since The Beauty Myth came out in 1991. I had a hard time accepting that she was talking about what Natural News seemed to be insinuating that she was talking about.
Although the link to the video is in a "P.S.", Natural News seems to connect Ms. Wolf's work with negative opinions of the Obama administration and of the health care plan now under discussion. I did some research and found that the publication dates are 2007 on both the talk and the book of the same name. I believe that where our government is referred to in this video, it is the Bush administration being referred to. In 2007, how could it be otherwise? The actual Natural News newsletter text is apparently not available online, so I will paste it below. I have filed complaints with Natural News, and I have cancelled my subscription to their newsletter. I also wanted to let Ms. Wolf know how her video is being used, so I tried to post this missive on her FaceBook page but it was too long. So I did it as a blog post.
Here's the actual 12/14/10 newsletter:
"Dear NaturalNews readers,
"There's breaking news today on Obama's health care scheme: U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson has ruled it is unconstitutional for the government to force Americans to buy government-mandated insurance policies.
"This strikes down a key provision of Obama's health care reform which would have forced us all to spend thousands of dollars a year paying into the broken system of conventional drugs-and-surgery medicine -- even if we never use that system!
"Here's my full report on this breaking news:
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, meanwhile, doesn't seem to care what the Constitution says. When asked where Congress gets the power to force Americans to buy sick-care health insurance, she replied, "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, we are serious. We seriously want to know where Congress gets off forcing us all to buy something we don't want. Here's my second story today on why tyrants simply dismiss whatever provisions of the Constitution they don't like at the moment:
"Tomorrow we'll be featuring a video interview with health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord who comments on the legal implications of Judge Hudson's decision. Watch for that video on!
"By the way, do you know what babies are drinking when they breastfeed? How about sunscreen chemicals? Yep, that's what's found in 85% of human milk samples:
"P.S. Check out this awesome, informative video about American and freedom by Naomi Wolf:"
I'll post the link to this blog post on Naomi Wolf's FaceBook page and consider that I've done my duty in alerting her to this travesty. Maybe she won't care. Maybe she will...